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A composite image of two photographs: Left show an open recycled wood Pivoto House Box with pink interior, Right shows a pale pink Frustum Teapot with matching cups on a window sill accompanied by a Watanabe Thoki Vase. All items are handmade. Photographs shot at NiMi Projects UK.


With Love From Us

We know Valentine’s Day is traditionally reserved for you to declare your love — whether as a secret admirer or to a significant other.

In Japan, it’s actually a day that women give gifts of chocolate to boyfriends and husbands — sometimes even their male colleagues. Don’t worry, there’s a White Day in March when men give gifts of cookies to the women in their lives. (We still prefer chocolate…)

But we think Valentine’s Day is a perfect excuse just to show anyone how much you care and appreciate them.

For Valentine’s gifts, we’ve put together a collection of some of our personal favourites — like the Pivoto House Box and Sanpu Sanyo Japanese aprons — alongside our newest items, including Saburo’s hand-crafted glassware and the Frustrum Tea Set. Plus we indulged in a little photoshoot to showcase their beauty.

Take a look, choose a gift and don’t forget to contact us — we’ll not only gift wrap it, but add a personal message from you.


Four NiMi Projects Origami Workshop images: From left to right, mulitcoloured 3D origami heart bunting, three origami heart envelopes featuring little cats and dogs, a Valentine's Day card with decorative origami hearts, a mulitcoloured origami heart necklace. 

Hearty Origami

We’ve also set up a series of Valentine’s Origami Zoom Workshops — two for kids and two for adults — each to create cute heart-themed items. We actually tested out the creations on family already! And we hope they will bring joy to not just a partner, but also mothers, fathers, grandparents, best friends — whoever deserves extra love. 

We can’t wait to see participants creations, which we hope to share on Instagram and Facebook, to spread the joy.

Read our other NiMi Projects journal articles here.

A composite of two images: Left shows a blue and white canvas and cotton Sanpu Sanyo Sanpu apron hanging on a hook above a pink Atelier Yocto three-legged wooden Flower Stool. Right shows two Saburo hand-crafted glass bowls, one with a window pattern, the other frosted. All items are handmade in Japan,  and images shot at NiMi Projects UK.